Business Formation


A powerful first step to build the foundation of your business, forming your business legally with your state opens unique doors for you to open a store/practice, charge for products & services, and execute all business & marketing operations confidently, legally, and profitably.

Q: What does it mean to form your business?
A: Business formation refers to the process of legally creating and establishing a new business. This involves registering the business with the appropriate government authorities and choosing a legal structure that defines how the business will be organized, managed, and taxed. Click here to attend the next info session.
Q: Why should I form my business?
A: Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) strikes a balance between legal protection, simplicity, and tax efficiency. Here’s why:
1. Personal assets are generally protected from business debts and liabilities. If the business faces legal issues or debts, your personal assets (like your home or savings) are less at risk. This separation helps safeguard your personal finances.
2. Profits and losses pass through to owners' personal tax returns. Avoiding double taxation simplifies tax reporting for small business owners. It can lead to potential tax advantages, making the LLC a tax-efficient choice.
3. It enhances the business's credibility, especially in dealings with clients and partners. A formal business structure like an LLC adds a level of professionalism. It instills confidence in clients and customers, which is crucial for building trust and attracting business in a competitive market.
Q: Who does the business formation process?
A: Our Founder & Senior Legal Analyst Khila will complete the business formation process for you.
Q: How does the formation process work?
A: We’ll submit the required filing to the necessary federal and state agencies, draft the accompanying governing documents, and compile them into a digital kit along with the additional resources included in the service.
Q: What’s included in the service?
  • Entity name search & availability confirmation
  • Preparation & filing of organizational documents for your LLC
  • Processing & filing of EIN Number
  • Customized & legally binding Operating Agreement
  • Digital Corporate Kit with certificates of all filings & governing documents
  • Educational resource on your new LLC: What it is & what you can do with it
  • Full Access To The No Trust Fund Club: Tier 3 & Secret Success Suite Included
  • Non-Disclosure & Non-Compete Contract Template
  • Independent Contractor Agreement Template
  • Filing Fees
  • Exclusive access to a pre-approved business bank account
Q: How long does it take?
A: Upon submitting your payment, your digital kit will be ready within 7 business days.
Q: What is the required investment for business formation with the Haus Of Business?
A: Business formation requires a one-time investment of $1,200. Installment payments are available. You may be eligible for a price reduction if you belong to any of the following underserved groups: Women, People Of Color, LGBTQIA+, Elderly, Immigrants, Single Parents, Low Income (< $30,000 Annual Salary), or Disabled. If you belong to at least (1) of these groups, you may utilize the Civic Harmony Discount by entering the discount code "CIVIC200" at checkout. This $200 discount may be applied to a full payment or payment #1 of an installment payment plan.
