The Haus Of Business' Mission

Founder & Principal Legal Analyst

Khila James

As an accredited legal professional with the NALS and a JD Candidate, with a decade of corporate leadership experience & business acumen, my goal is simple: Help you build a profitable powerhouse, protected from potential threats & perils with personalized, purposeful, & prolific legal strategies.
Get Started

No One Said It Be'd Easy, But It Can Be A Little Easier

Starting a business is already difficult. But, it can become a little easier when you have the right guidance, resources, & team behind you. I aim to be that for people that choose me to help them with the legal back-end of their business.

Bring Back Caring About Your Clients

I pride myself on not relying on unfair policies, order delivery issues, & mean girl practices to run the company. I want my clients to win, and I'm proud to be a part of why they always do. So, I act like it.

Work With Me

The 3 E's Of Excellence

Here at my Haus Of Business.