The Maven Masterclass
MAVEN Masterclass
No Pretense, Just Profit

Hello, I'm Khila James. I've been a self-employed entrepreneur for the last decade, starting my first business during my senior year of college and making $250,000 in revenue by graduation. I've launched a series of ventures, most notably, the best planners in the world.

Khila James

I built this brand from the groundwork - crafting the page design, working with a team of designers to bring it to life. I handle all of my marketing—brand strategy, themes, directing my own photoshoots, building websites, managing product distribution, and running my ads, social media schedules, and email SMS content. Having had no mentors, I learned through costly trial and error, and I'm dedicated to making your entrepreneurial journey smoother and more successful. Let's cancel the noise from inexperienced 'business coaches' and learn the real ropes of business success together in 'The Maven Masterclass.'

The 3 M's of MAVEN
Money Icon


Learn about small business grants, loans, lines of credit, and low capital business models.

Matrix Icon


Covering legal formation, EIN Numbers, bank accounts, certifications, business planning, sourcing, pricing, and shipping processes.

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Dive into content creation, website development, marketing, brand building, and scaling sales & revenue.

Reserve Your Seat Now.