Business Compliance

Ensure the robust health of your business with our meticulous Business Compliance Audit. This comprehensive service delves into the intricate fabric of your company, scrutinizing both the back-end legal structure and front-end public-facing practices. From evaluating filings and documentation for potential discrepancies and vulnerabilities to assessing your online presence, including website language, policies, and accessibility, we leave no stone unturned.

Q: What is business compliance?
A: Business compliance refers to the adherence of a company's operations, policies, and practices to the applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. It encompasses a range of legal and ethical considerations to ensure that a business operates within the boundaries set by governing authorities.
Q: Why is making sure my business is compliant important?
A: Ensuring your business is compliant is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps mitigate legal risks, protecting your company from potential fines, penalties, and legal disputes. Additionally, compliance fosters a trustworthy and ethical business reputation, which is essential for attracting customers, partners, and investors. Compliance also ensures the smooth functioning of your operations, reducing the likelihood of disruptions due to legal issues.
Q: What could potentially happen if my business isn't compliant?
A: Non-compliance can lead to a range of consequences that may negatively impact your business. These can include financial penalties, legal actions, and reputational damage. Regulatory authorities have the power to impose fines or sanctions for violations, and in severe cases, non-compliance may result in the closure of your business. Beyond the immediate consequences, non-compliance can erode customer trust and hinder opportunities for growth and collaboration. Ensuring compliance is a proactive step to safeguard the longevity and success of your business.
Q: What is the process of having a business compliance audit with the Haus Of Business?
A: We review your back-end legal structure, filings, and documentation for potential discrepancies, expirations, and vulnerabilities. We then review your front-end legal footprint, including but not limited to your website's language, policies, and accessibility, your social media practices, and your business's overall trustworthiness score report.
Q: What is the required investment for a business compliance audit with the Haus Of Business?
A: A business compliance audit requires a one-time investment of $400. Installment payments are available. You may be eligible for a price reduction if you belong to any of the following underserved groups: Women, People Of Color, LGBTQIA+, Elderly, Immigrants, Single Parents, Low Income (< $30,000 Annual Salary), or Disabled. For more information, please send us an email at


"Khila from Haus Of Business is a game-changer! As the brain behind Executive Edge, focusing on helping kids with their writing and emotional skills, I was stuck on making my dream compliant with New York's tough rules. Khila jumped in and it was like she had a magic wand. Not only did she get all the tricky legal stuff sorted, but she also created a killer website and marketing plan that really speaks to parents and teachers. She’s got this knack for making complicated things feel simple and keeping the vibe of what I do front and center. If you’re in a specialized field and need someone to get your business on point without losing sleep over regulations, Khila’s your go-to. Seriously, she’s made this whole journey a breeze for me!"

Danielle Slauenwhite, Founder of Executive Edge