Brand On Demand


Brand On Demand specializes in comprehensive brand strategy and design, focusing on empowering small businesses owned by underrepresented groups. We offer an all-inclusive service that goes beyond traditional design, covering everything from legal compliance to marketing effectiveness. Our approach ensures that each brand we craft not only stands out aesthetically but also operates optimally in its respective market, making professional, poised, and polished brand identities accessible and affordable. 

Recently Launched Brands

Our Modus Operandi Includes:

Step 1: Business Blueprint

Analyze your current brand setup and strategize the best path forward with our founder, ensuring legal compliance and marketing effectiveness.

Step 2: Deep Design

Our design team, led by our founder, turns your strategy into a visual identity that embodies success and sophistication.

Step 3: Sales Strategy

We optimize your new website for search engines and craft a beginner-friendly marketing strategy to increase visibility and drive sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is having an appealing brand important?
A: An appealing brand resonates with customers, establishing trust and encouraging engagement and loyalty.
Q: Why should I task Brand On Demand with building or rebuilding my brand?
A: Our comprehensive approach ensures your brand not only looks great but also operates effectively in today's competitive market.
Q: Who is Brand On Demand best for?
A: For anyone looking for a hassle-free branding experience, especially those who want to ensure their brand appeals to contemporary customers without the steep costs typically associated with high-quality design. We serve small businesses primarily owned by Women, People Of Color, LGBTQIA+, Elderly, Immigrants, Single Parents, Disabled and provide an approach very regarded as especially helpful for the busiest brand owners and the non-tech Savvy newbies.
Q: Who will design my brand?
A: Khila and her dedicated in-house team of designers and marketing strategists. No outsourcing, ensuring personal attention and brand consistency.
Q: What’s included in the service?
A: Your brand kit includes a branding board, logo, website, flyer, SEO analysis, and a comprehensive marketing strategy—everything you need to launch with impact.
Q: How long does it take?
A: Your complete brand kit is delivered within 14 business days, ready to make your mark in the business world.
Q: What is the required investment for business formation with the Haus Of Business?
A: The Brand On Demand service requires a one-time investment of $1,800. Monthly installment payments are available. You may be eligible for a price reduction if you belong to any of the following underserved groups: Women, People Of Color, LGBTQIA+, Elderly, Immigrants, Single Parents, Low Income (< $30,000 Annual Salary), or Disabled. If you belong to at least (1) of these groups, indicate it in your application & you will receive a Civic Harmony discount of $200 off.



"I have to admit, tech stuff usually goes right over my head, but working with Khila was a breeze! She made everything so simple and easy to understand. After she completed our project, she took the time to walk me through how everything works. Khila's patience and expertise were just incredible. She never used confusing terms, and I always felt like I was in good hands. Thanks to Khila, Executive Edge now has a fabulous online presence!”

Danielle Slauenwhite, Founder of Executive Edge

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